Art. 1
The denomination of controlled origin “Primitivo of Manduria” is reserved to the red wine which corresponds to the conditions and requisitions in the present disciplinarian.
Art. 2
The wine “Primitivo of Manduria” must be obtained from grapes originating from vines composed by primitive vine.
Art. 3
The production of area o the red wine “Primitivo of Manduria” includes:
In province of Taranto, the lands of Manduria, Carosino, Monteparano, Leporano, Pulsano, Faggiano, Roccaforzata, San Giorgio, San Marzano di San Giuseppe, Fragagnano, Lizzano, Sava, Torricella, Avetrana and the fration of Talsano and the administrative Island of Taranto, included in the land of Fragagnano and Lizzano.
The administrative islands of Taranto are so circumscribed: leaving to the 87 km on the provincial road Carosino-Francavilla, the limit follows to south Carosino to meet Monteparano, the place Macchiella, and then follows to south, to cross the limit with Roccaforzata to the crossing with Faggiano to town centre of this town.
It follows the west limit of the town Faggiano to cross Pulsano and to the west limit of Pulsano to south coast and along this it follows Lizzano and to north it reaches Lizzano and Fragagano. Along this limit it reaches to meet Grottaglie and in direction north-east it arrives in provincial road Francavilla-Carosino.
In the province of Brindisi the lands of Erchie, Oria and Torre S. Susanna.
Art. 4
The environmental conditions of cultivation destined to the cultivation of Primitivo wine must be traditional and confer to the grapes and to the wine the specific peculiarities.
Can be considered qualified to the admission in the register of the decree of the President of Republic of the 12 July 1963, n.930, only the vines placed on the calcareous and tufaceous lands often with rocks on a stratum of clay and under fertile land.
The system of rearing and the systems of pruning must be used to not change the peculiarities of grapes and wine.
The maximum surrender of grapes must be not superior to 90 quintals for hectare in specialized culture.
Also in good years the surrender must be report through a selection of grapes and the production must be not superior the 20%. The maximum surrender of grapes in wine must be superior to 80%.
Art. 5
The operations of wine-making must be take place in the land of the art. 3. The grapes must assure to the wine a alcoholic gradation the 13,50.
In the preparation of wines are used only the traditional systems.
It’s possible the preparation of “Primitivo of Manduria” in liqueur-like according to the law.
Art. 6
The wine “Primitivo of Manduria” destined to the direct use has to answer to the following peculiarities:
- Colour: red with inclination to purple and to orange with ageing;
- Smell: light fragrance;
- Taste: agreeable, harmonious, velvet with ageing; it can be sweet and in this case the content of sugar must be not superior to 10 g/l;
- Alcoholic strength: 14,00;
- Total minimum acidity: 5 for thousand;
- Dry essence minimum: 24 for thousand.
Only the Minister for agriculture and forests can change these minimum limits.
Art. 7
The wine “Primitivo of Manduria”, when it derives from grapes that assure to it a alcoholic strength of 15 degrees, can be: natural sweet, natural liqueur-like, dry liqueur-like, to indicate on dockets and it must be:
- Natural sweet: minimum alcoholic strength: 16, effective 13 and with 3 degrees.
- Natural liqueur-like: minimum alcoholic strength: 17,5, effective 15 and with 2,5 degees.
- Dry liqueur-like: minimum alcoholic strength: 18, effective 16,5 and with 1,5 degrees.
Art. 8
The “Primitivo of Manduria” in the normal and natural sweet typologies can’t be put on the market before the 1 June of the next year to that of the production of grapes.
The “Primitivo of Manduria” in liqueur-like typologies must be exposed to the ageing at least of 2 years from the date of process of alcoholization.
It’s possible to use geographic and toponymical indications that refer to the towns mentioned in the art. 3.
It is forbidden to use different qualifications from those presented in this disciplinarian.
Art. 9
Whoever produces, sales and puts on the market with the denomination of controlled origin <<Primitivo of Manduria>>, wines that don’t answer to the conditions and requisitions of this disciplinarian, is panished according to the art. 28 of decree of the President of the Republic, 12 July 1963, n° 930.
Minister for Agriculture and Forests
Minister for Industry, Trade and Handicraft
De Mita
Essential Bibliography